7 Mistakes to Avoid When Pursuing Helicopter Training in Australia

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Pursuing Helicopter Training in Australia

  13 Apr 2023

Helicopter training is an exciting and challenging experience that can lead to a fulfilling career as a helicopter pilot or provide you with a unique hobby. Australia has a thriving aviation industry, and pursuing helicopter flight training in the country can open up many opportunities for you.

However, like any new skill, helicopter flight training comes with its own set of challenges that require dedication, discipline, and a willingness to learn. Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process, but some mistakes can hinder your progress and make your training experience frustrating. Therefore, it’s crucial to be aware of the common mistakes that many trainees make and avoid them to maximize your chances of success.

In this article, we’ll discuss seven mistakes to avoid when pursuing helicopter training in Australia, so you can make the most of your training and achieve your goals as a helicopter pilot.

Choosing the Wrong Helicopter Flight Training School

Choosing the right helicopter flight training school is crucial for your success as a helicopter pilot. Before enrolling in any school, do your research, compare different schools, and read reviews from former students. Look for schools that have experienced and certified flight instructors, modern helicopters, and a comprehensive training program that suits your needs and budget.

Underestimating the Time and Cost Involved

Helicopter flight training is a significant investment of time and money. To avoid underestimating the time and cost involved, have a realistic understanding of the training duration, cost, and other factors that may affect your training. Keep in mind that most helicopter flight training programs in Australia take between 6 to 12 months to complete, and the cost can vary depending on the school, type of helicopter, and other factors.

Lack of Preparation

Lack of preparation can significantly hinder your progress in helicopter flight training. To avoid this mistake, familiarize yourself with the training syllabus, study materials, and equipment required before starting your training. Prepare for each lesson in advance and maintain good physical fitness to meet the demands of helicopter flight training.

Not Asking Enough Questions

Asking questions is an essential part of learning and improving your skills as a helicopter pilot. To avoid the mistake of not asking enough questions, seek clarification from your instructor whenever you’re unsure or have doubts about a certain procedure or concept. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, as it shows your dedication and willingness to learn.


Overconfidence can be a significant barrier to progress in helicopter flight training. To avoid this mistake, remain humble, open-minded, and receptive to feedback from your instructor. Follow the training syllabus and take each lesson seriously to ensure that you develop the necessary skills and knowledge to become a safe and competent helicopter pilot.

Skipping the Basics

Skipping the basics can lead to a weak foundation in helicopter flight training. To avoid this mistake, master the fundamentals before moving on to more complex maneuvers. Don’t rush your progress, and ensure that you have a solid understanding of the basics before advancing to the next stage of your training.

Not Enough Flight Time

Not getting enough flight time can hinder your progress in helicopter training. To avoid this mistake, make sure that you get sufficient flight time to practice and master different maneuvers and procedures. Take advantage of opportunities to fly, and ask your instructor for additional flight time if necessary.

Avoid the Mistakes

Avoiding these 7 mistakes when pursuing helicopter training in Australia can help you maximize your chances of success as a helicopter pilot. Remember to choose the right school, have a realistic understanding of the time and cost involved, prepare thoroughly, ask questions, remain humble, master the basics, and get enough flight time. With dedication, hard work, and perseverance, you can become a safe and competent helicopter pilot.