Firewood for Camping: Essential Tips and Tricks for the Great Outdoors

Firewood for Camping: Essential Tips and Tricks for the Great Outdoors

  17 Apr 2023

When it comes to camping, there’s nothing quite like gathering ’round a crackling fire, swapping stories, and toasting marshmallows to perfection. And what’s the secret ingredient for a successful campfire? You guessed it—firewood! 

In this guide, we’ll unleash some handy tips and tricks to ensure you have the best firewood for your camping escapades. So, grab your marshmallow skewers and let’s dive into the smokin’ world of firewood!

Choosing the Perfect Firewood

When choosing the right firewood to take on your camping trip, hardwood steals the show. Opt for varieties like ironbark, jarrah, or blackbutt, which burn longer and provide steady heat. These hardwood heroes will keep your campfire roaring well into the night.

Size Matters

Don’t underestimate the power of size! Choose firewood that is cut into manageable pieces, around 12 to 16 inches in length. This makes it easier to handle and ensures a better burn. Remember, you don’t want to spend your camping adventure wrestling with gigantic logs!

The Drier, the Better

Moisture is the enemy of a successful campfire. Seek out well-seasoned firewood with low moisture content. Dry firewood ignites faster, burns brighter, and produces less smoke. If you’re unsure about the moisture level, give the wood a knock—dry firewood will sound hollow.

Leave the Softies Behind

Softwoods like pine and cypress may be tempting due to their availability, but they tend to burn quickly, leaving you with a short-lived fire. Plus, softwoods can produce excessive smoke and sparks. Stick to hardwoods for a more reliable and enjoyable campfire experience.

Gathering Firewood Responsibly

Know the Rules

Before gathering firewood from the great outdoors, familiarize yourself with local regulations and restrictions. Some areas may have restrictions on collecting firewood to preserve the natural environment. Respect these guidelines and leave no trace behind.

Scavenger Hunt

Look for fallen branches and deadwood on the ground. These make excellent sources of firewood, as they are already seasoned and ready to burn. Avoid cutting live trees or damaging living vegetation—it’s all about treading lightly in nature’s playground.

Safety First

When collecting firewood, prioritize safety. Watch out for critters that may have made a cozy home within the woodpile. Shake out any unwanted visitors, like spiders or other uninvited camping companions. Safety and surprise encounters don’t mix well!

Stock Up in Advance

If gathering firewood onsite is not an option, consider purchasing firewood from Canberra suppliers before embarking on your camping adventure. It’s always wise to have enough firewood to keep the flames alive throughout your trip.

Firewood Storage and Prep Tips

Keep It Dry

Protect your firewood from rain and moisture by storing it in a dry, covered area. A woodshed or a tarp-covered stack will do the trick. Wet firewood can dampen your camping spirit and make starting a fire a real challenge.

Elevate and Ventilate

To prevent moisture buildup, elevate your firewood stack off the ground using a rack or pallets. This allows air to circulate, promoting faster drying and reducing the chance of rot or mould taking hold.

Kindling is King

Don’t forget about kindling! Gather small twigs, dry leaves, or birch bark to ignite your fire. Kindling provides the initial spark needed to get


And there you have it – your ultimate guide to firewood for the great outdoors! Remember, when it comes to building the perfect campfire, the right firewood can make all the difference. Choose hardwoods for their long-burning capabilities and seek out well-seasoned, dry firewood to ensure an efficient and smoke-free fire. Respect nature by gathering firewood responsibly, following local regulations, and leaving no trace behind.

With these essential tips and tricks in your back pocket, you’re ready to conquer the wilderness, one crackling campfire at a time!