Things To Consider When Selecting An NDIS Occupational Therapy Provider

Things To Consider When Selecting An NDIS Occupational Therapy Provider

  04 Apr 2022

NDIS occupational therapy is actually a rather complex umbrella term that covers many different aspects that can affect your daily life. For example, assistance with road safety, home improvements to accommodate your disability, and help with getting out in the community are all classified as NDIS occupational therapy. Because of this, it can be a bit tricky to find a program or provider that actually suits your needs. That’s why we’ve put together this list of things to consider when selecting your NDIS occupational therapy to help make the process easier.

What You Actually Need From The Provider

The first thing you’re going to need to consider is what you actually need from a provider in terms of NDIS occupational therapy. As noted above, there are many areas of assistance that actually fall under this term, and not every provider in your area will offer every service so it’s important to know what you’re after in order to make the best decision. Make sure to get a full list of available services whenever you’re considering a provider so you can compare them with other offerings.

How Well You Get Along With The Provider

Another thing to think about is how well you get along with the provider who will be offering your NDIS occupational therapy. A good personal connection often leads to better care as you’ll feel more comfortable with the person offering the services so it’s an important factor to look for. While you’re probably not going to be best friends (and this certainly isn’t necessary) an amicable manner with each other is strongly advised.

What The Provider’s Area Of Expertise Is

Earlier in this piece, we touched on how not every provider of NDIS occupational therapy will be able to offer every service, but it’s also important to consider which areas they specialise in. While you won’t necessarily miss out on any care if you choose a provider who doesn’t specialise in your desired area (as they’re all required to be fully trained in all services that they offer) you will get benefits out of selecting someone who does specialise in your needs. With this in mind, choosing an NDIS occupational therapy who focuses specifically on the area that your needs fall within is certainly a good idea.

Whether Their Fees Align With Your Funding

While care decisions should never be based on cost over benefit, fees should be considered when comparing two or more providers that offer the same level of support. Your plan will show what funding you have available to use for NDIS occupational therapy and this should always be accounted for when making your decision. Over the course of your plan, we suggest using as close to your maximum as you need to in order to receive the care you require, the funds wouldn’t have been allocated if your needs were not valid so there’s no need to feel bad about maxing things out.

What Their Availability Is Like

Finally, when selecting an NDIS occupational therapy provider you’ll also need to consider what their availability is like. Often you’ll be juggling multiple services alongside general living and day-to-day requirements so it’s important to select a provider who fits in well with your schedule. After all, their service could be the best in the world, but if you’re constantly having to cancel or reschedule appointments, you’re not going to see the benefits.

Now that you’ve got a clearer idea of what needs to be considered when choosing an NDIS occupational therapy provider, the process should be a lot simpler, so, go forth and find the best service for your needs.